“If You Wanna See Americans At Their Best, Listen To This Kind Of A Message”
“The city on the hill needs a brand new leader, and I’m asking for your vote” -Tim Scott
CHARLESTON, SC – Today, the Tim Scott campaign released a new video following the second Republican
Tim Scott: Growing up in a single parent household, I wondered if the American Dream would work for a kid in the inner city. I’ve got good news for every single child, whether you’re in the inner cities of Chicago, or the rural parts of Iowa, America and the dream, it is alive. It is well, and it is healthy. God bless these United States of America.
Commentator: I mean, they love Tim Scott’s story. They love his passion for America.
Commentator: If you wanna see Americans at their best, listen to this kind of a message.
Tim Scott: I know America can do for anyone what she’s done for me. It’s why we’re focusing on restoring hope, creating opportunities, and protecting the America we all love.
Commentator: Who did you think really stood out?
Commentator: Well I thought Tim Scott stood out.
Commentator: I gotta give Tim Scott a lot of credit.
Tim Scott: If you wanna restore hope, you’ve gotta restore the family, restore capitalism, and put Americans back at work, together as one American family. I can say I have been discriminated against, but America is not a racist country. Never ever doubt who we are. We are the greatest country on God’s green earth.
Commentator: I mean, you look at the internet, the response in the crowd was Tim Scott brought his energy, he brought his game tonight, and you did. You came out of the gate strong.
Tim Scott: The city on the hill needs a brand new leader, and I’m asking for your vote.